Fuji Electric, together with Duta Fuji Electric, PT. and Limalima Dinamika, PT. Organized a Technical Seminar on ” High Quality & More Complete Spesification Range Electrical Systems” which was held in Surabaya, East Java at JW Marriot Hotel on 2ndOctober, 2014.
For customers who have a large number of people that cannot be released to attend an outside class, PT. LIMALIMA DINAMIKA, together with PT. OMRON ELECTRONICS, can provide seminar on-site training seminars at your facility. We held an on-site training seminar at PT. INDOFOOD CBP SUKSES MAKMUR East Java Branch at Pasuruan on August 21st 2014.
We held one day on-site seminar OMRON products at WAVIN TUNAS UTAMA & DJABES TUNAS UTAMA on August 20, 2014.
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